Monday, June 15, 2009


Mom is home and doing better everyday. She is starting to feel more and more normal so we are really happy for her. We already caught her trying to do laundry! She always wants to be busy so our biggest job right now is trying to keep her relaxing. :)

The doctor prescribed a speech therapist for her to see for the next couple weeks.



We are SO HAPPY to here that your mom is back home,and also to here that she is doing GREAT!
Tell your mom that we LOVE her and that we are PRAYING for her. KASS you are doinga GREAT job with letting us know on your mom's condition, WE LOVE YOU! LUIS & AUNT GLORIA

Unknown said...

Just don't play any old school R&B on the stereo or she'll go looking for her high heels and start doing her Jacqui dance.... Freddie Duran